Certified Public Accountants

Welcome to our Web site, where you’ll find a wealth of information in the form of newsletter articles, calculators, and research reports.
We are here to assist you with all of your tax and accounting needs including personal, business, estate, and other taxes. In addition we are able to assist you with investment services such as IRA's,and 401K/403B rollovers and investing, and individual accounts through our mutual fund products.
We hope that you find the answers to your tax and investing related questions at our website, but please contact us if you have further question.
Housing Market Trends: Are They Helping or Hurting the Economy?
U.S. home values held steady in 2023, even as mortgage rates rose to the highest levels in a generation. What could the current state of the housing market mean for the broader U.S. economy?
Are You Spending Money to Keep Stuff You Don’t Need?
One in 10 Americans leases a storage unit. But for many, it may be worthwhile to let go of unneeded belongings instead.
Mixing It Up: Asset Allocation and Diversification
This article explains how asset allocation and diversification can work together to help mitigate portfolio risk.
ESG Investing in the Spotlight
This article explains environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and its potential effect on portfolio performance.
Mortgage Refinancing
Determine whether you should consider refinancing your mortgage.
Home Affordability
Estimate of the maximum amount of financing you can expect to get when you begin house hunting.
Lease Payment
How much would your monthly lease payment be?